Grey Things


Some people believe that without history, our lives amount to nothing. At some point we all have to choose: do we fall back on what we know, or do we step forward to something new? It's hard not to be haunted by our past. Our history is what shapes us... what guides us. Our history resurfaces time after time after time. So we have to remember sometimes the most important history is the history we’re making today.


What's worse?

New wounds which are so horribly painful or old wounds that should've healed years ago and never did?

Maybe our old wounds teach us something. They remind us where we've been and what we've overcome. They teach us lessons about what to avoid in the future. That's what we like to think. But that's not the way it is, is it? Some things we just have to learn over and over and over again.


Disappearances happen in science. Disease can suddenly fade away, tumors go missing, and we open someone up to discover the cancer is gone. It's unexplained. It’s rare, but it happens. We call it mis-diagnosis. Say we never saw it in the first place, any explanation but the truth. That life is full of vanishing acts.

If something that we didn’t know we had disappears...

Do we miss it?

~ Meredith Grey's voiceovers from Grey's Anatomy.


khany said…
imagined tumors can even cause death. ask any iraqi and he will tell you how somebody's imagination can define the reality of millions of lives.

do we miss it when something we didn't know we had disappears? absolutely. only sometimes we don't acknowledge that we are missing the something that we didn't know existed in the first place. for example,

the contented poor man, when he goes chasing after all that glitters, he loses his peace of mind. he took the peace for granted so he doesn't acknowledge its loss. in fact he intensifies his pursuit believing the hole he feels in his heart can be filled with desires.
Monay said…
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Saira Andleeb said…
well i think tears are the emolient that soothe our souls! One wont be able to appreciate/understand the beauty of the stars with a heavy heart anyway. So dont be afraid of letting a process as natural as crying help soothe your soul !
Isbah Omer said…
Totally irrelevant.. but here goes :)

The world may be a small place to be, but god's diversity has no end. With god's will, tumors go missing, Cancers are cured, deadly diseases vanish away. And indeed if god wants to test you by taking away something from you, you have no choice but to find your way through it.

But apart from all this, i am thinking about what Khany said:

Somebody's imagination can define the reality of millions of lives.

And you don't have to go as far as Iraq to prove it, just look how all the Pakistani politician's wicked dreams are continually destroying this country's future and will keep on damaging it for years to come.

If one day, Mushi made it his mission to be in power no matter what, and wasted countless beings to fuel his passion. If Hitler dreamed of being a general, and claimed millions of lives to fulfill his self created destiny. If Bush apparently wanted a terrorist free world and chose to kill billions and billions for the heck of it, and managed to define a horrible reality for so many innocent people's families...,

Then, I can't help but wonder...

If nothing in this world happens against god's will, if my corrupt imagination's reality defines a horrible reality for countless innocent people, where does god's will go?

Did god will for it to happen this way? why didn't he stop me from defining a bleak future for so many people... and more importantly, why did he allow the suffering that was a consequence of my poor decision making to fall on hundreds of unconcerned individuals?

No doubt. One person's imagination can force to define the reality of millions of lives.

So, Grey people... be careful what you wish for, coz you just might get it all... and try not to make your dream a horrible nightmare for other people who deserve to live in their own dreams, not yours, and follow their own karma, not yours.
Syra said…
Hmmm...New wounds can temporarily take your mind off from the old wounds.
Anonymous said…
Not just any new wound, a new and more painful wound can take your mind off the older one !
Isbah Omer said…
yeah, thats why Ms Yang likes to keep hitting herself with a hammer - to forget the old wounds... :p
Syra said…
Pain, Wounds,(New ones & Old ones) a sudden delight, outburst of's all temporary...
eventually it goes away....but it's our attitude,mindset (on how we face\handle the pain) that plays a vital role in prolonging or reducing the lifetime of our pains and wounds.

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