I Lost My Peace

Every year, this time of the year, we start thinking about new year resolutions. In our quest for perfection, we are all trying to relate our lives a little closer to a Disney fairy tale. Trying to fix the apparent flaws in our lives like changing hair color, buying quality wardrobes, fixing the car, getting that new cell phone; and sometimes, things that are apparently wrong with this world, like trying to save extincting species, the environment, complaining about global warming and showing resentment for those who destroy the old buildings. But we never show our concerns on fixing the actual problems that can save our souls, like finding the long lost valuable virtue given to us by our beloved Prophet, peace be upon him, called PEACE - a quality that used to be one of the dignified traits of being a Muslim.
But the fact of the matter is that losing peace is not like losing a leg. The disease is apparently not a mole in front of your eyes. So most of the times, we don’t really bother thinking about getting it back, rather, in our search for peace, we try to fix other things that are wrong with the world. But really, if you try to figure out the reason why every thing is so freakin disturbed, you will notice that every thing that is wrong in this world is a reflection of what’s going on inside the hearts and minds of the people who are a part of the world. PEACE is a luxury long lost in man’s quest for MORE. And when there is MORE, peace is NO MORE.
In my search for peace, I established the following:
1) Don’t Spread the Blame: As they say, the hardest part is letting go, not taking part. So when we realize that we can’t have something, we tend to blame it on other people. We start thinking that their existence is the reason for our turmoils. But I believe that everything that happens, happens because god wills it to happen. No one walks away with anyone’s triumphs just because they are smart and clever.
2) Take a Step Forward: Even a giant leap starts with taking a step. When you’re angry at someone, it seems that the wrath would never end. But one should try, if not to forgive, then to forget. Because, the good does not go anywhere, once you let it in, even a little bit, it spreads and clears your mind.
3) Let go: No one is perfect, so learn to make it a habit to look for the good, and ignore the unfavorable. You can’t change everything. So stop caring about those who don’t care about you. Don’t keep harboring bad feelings for others. If something bugs you, express it. Clear it, or forget it.
4) Believe: The most important thing that makes you peaceful in life is FAITH. Believing is everything. So start believing that you deserve good things. Start believing that the sun rises for us everyday so that we can prove to god that we still deserve to go back to where we came from - The HEAVEN. Start believing that this world is not it, there is more. Start believing that God is the true judge of your efforts, and no one else.
5) Take Responsibility: As a third person, try to create an atmosphere to clear misunderstandings for your friends, but, when clearing your own relationships, keep in mind that people don’t always come to help, so take responsibility for your own deeds and stop waiting for fairy god mother for rescue.
6) Fight: To discover your true strength, start facing life's challenges instead of running away. Remember what Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, ‘Peace has its victories, but it takes strong men and women to win them!’ :)
This article is in response to Establishing Peace on Syra Writes.
~ Ibay
Just a little note i would like to add on point 1.
Only after making dedicated and sincere efforts coupled by prayers to retain or attain something and being unsuccessful in doing so,one should comfort himself\herself that it's for the better and that God willed it to be like that.
Indeed, everything happens by the will of God. But we should by no means blame destiny for our failures.Nopes!
We should ask ourselves, DID I TRY HARD ENOUGH? or did i let go easily.
i wud add few line regarding point 5
yeah!!u surely need frds......provided they r ur friendly frds not NONFRIENDLY frnds ;)
u know wat i mean :D:D:D:D
Peace, happiness, success, all these things are achieved only when one struggles to find the courage to fight the demons from within and managing to put them to sleep. Being a saint has nothing to do with not feeling the negative emotions, its about learning to control them. Peace follows.