Anger, Passion, Aesthetics

I am often mad, but I would hate to be nothing but mad: and I think I would lose what little value I may have as a writer if I were to refuse, as a matter of principle, to accept the warming rays of the sun, and to report them, whenever, and if ever, they happen to strike me.

E. B. White (1899–1985), U.S. author, editor. Interview in Writers at Work (Eighth Series, ed. by George Plimpton, 1988).


Passions spin the plot: We are betrayed by what is false within.

George Meredith (1828–1909), English author. Modern Love, Sonnet 43 (1862).


I hate that aesthetic game of the eye and the mind, played by these connoisseurs, these mandarins who “appreciate” beauty. What is beauty, anyway? There’s no such thing. I never “appreciate,” any more than I “like.” I love or I hate.

Pablo Picasso (1881–1973), Spanish artist. Quoted in: Françoise Gilot and Carlton Lake, Life with Picasso, pt. 6 (1964).


Aamir Bashir said…
Dear Isbah

You provided us the material of different school of thoughts.

Can you explain to a person like me " We are betrayed by what is false within"?

These thought were
issued ages back and what do they have to do with the passion theory?

PS "You are free to complain to your friend about me :=). ".
Isbah Omer said…
There is no logical way of explaining why we are deceived by what we think, at one point is the ultimate truth of our existence. But more often than not, when life reveals to us the truth about the truth, we come to know that we have been betrayed by the demons created by our own perceptions.

We are betrayed by what is false within!
Aamir Bashir said…

Well ! Thanks but i still have doubts .We are betrayed by what is false within! There is no false within if someone has brain .

I think the poet(author) of this quote had miserable life himself . If you check his biography the truth behind his statement will come to you.
Normally poet represents the looser community :=).

The risk of "false" is less if you have wisdom along with the planning :P
Monay said…
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Aamir Bashir said…
Poet always belong to loser community , they have nothing to do but cyring for their own miserable life.
I have such a nice life , why should i say YES to loosers :P

PS" isbah na complain tu nahi kee ?
Monay said…
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Aamir Bashir said…
You can not nominate someone for Nobel Prize of intelligence until and unless you have IQ level in plus .
Instead of searching google and finding different minds , write your owns version in simple words.
Aamir Bashir said…

U better restrict yourself to your own blog instead of taking side of Isba.She is big girl ,and she is mature enough to write her answers.
Monay said…
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Aamir Bashir said… is place for losers when it comes to search quotes or comments to support arguments :=). Using googling to make some opinion is as watching different TV channels and making opinion about a country's culture .

One must be creative :P

Now let her excellency ISBA to shed some light :P
Isbah Omer said…
Well dude, all i can say is that its not always easy to understand the value of a person's words if your are not in the dimension that enables you to comprehend it, so you do what you do best, and try not to pass any statements on what inspires others.
Aamir Bashir said…
Is it related to some specific state of mind? Or some bunch of
so-called intelligent people . Do i know to read the book before i grasp the meaning "We are betrayed by what is false within"?You can spare my energies if you put some common sense or wisdom in my head (wink).
Aamir Bashir said…
anyhow no more comments from side .Sada jeeti raho :=)
Syra said…
We truly are betrayed by what is false within. So deep, so true!
Good find IsbahStar, and i loved the way you elaborated in it:

'There is no logical way of explaining why we are deceived by what we think, at one point is the ultimate truth of our existence. But more often than not, when life reveals to us the truth about the truth, we come to know that we have been betrayed by the demons created by our own perceptions.'

Awesome! Jeetey Raho =)
Aamir Bashir said…
If President Mushi claim to be God , the Supreme Court of Pakistan will issue a statement in support of President Mushi .

Thats the spirit of real friendship . I love the way , friend supports each other .

But i do need the people like ex-Chief Justice :P

I wish i had someone here too, a real friend ;=)

PS" i dont have any personal vendetta against Isba .
Isbah Omer said…
Thanx SairaStar, so i guess the understanding is related to a specific state of mind! :p

@Aamir: Its not about being intelligent, or forming an alliance that labels itself as a limited species of intellect, its not about asking people to make you understand a wise word, its about trying to if not google the web, then google yr neurons for at least a little bit of perception of your own.

Anyways, no hard feelings, have a nice weekend!
Aamir Bashir said…
Instead of filling the stomach of blog with the contents, one cannot explain him/her self then its recommended not to write anything.

If someone ask a question on my blog, as “Star Syra” did, I was liable to respond it according to the best of knowledge no matter how immature or childish question it was :=).

Once we had a Guest teacher from London School of Economic , who was delivering the lecture on “Knowledge Management in IT companies”. He mentioned that once he went to the Intel USA and started presenting his work about knowledge Management .He started talking about the theories of Hirotaka Takeuchi and Nonaka . The Management at Intel said , well that’s really great but tell us how can we implement it in real world.

So you tell me how can we implement or get benefit from “this quote “in real world?.

PS" well have a nice weekend too. I know you got two good friends who are supporting you or cheering you up here. I know you are smart lady and you can answer :=).
Syra said…
Brother Amir,Asalam uAleikum

There is no harm in asking questions as long as you have the intention of trying to seek an understanding behind it.

It's hard to understand some things unless you have been through certain experiences in life, felt certain emotions, and attained a state of mind. Some things are not as easy to grasp as the technicalities behind CRM. For instance two people who survived from drowning would know how it feels like to drown. If you can't relate to their feelings it doesn't meant that what they felt is invalid, and if they are sharing their experience you don't necessarily have to derive benefit from it.Every thing we read,learn and share is not for materialistic gain.There is more to life then that.

Think about it. You found my question immature since your knowledge on CRM is vast, while mine is null, and thus my question, being a very basic one apparently appeared childish to you. Would it be fair if I label CRM as rubbish just because I don't find it beneficial, or because I don't understand it's working.nopes!

May Allah give us all a better understanding and tolerance towards each other. Peace

Aamir Bashir said…
Star Syra,

You do not need to write Brother before my name to get some sort of respect. You will it get any way.

Thanks for taking your time. I really enjoyed reading it first time :=).

If someone gone through the certain experience of life , then he/she should come up with some positive points instead of sharing his/her fear. If we cannot reap the benefit then what is the point of reading?. Holy Quran is the book, which is full of stories; it is not merely stories, but some lesson -code of life .If someone become “Hafiz of Quran ” but he/she doesn’t understand /explain Quran then being “Hafiz” is not worth . You need to get the logic instead of reading the stories :P

There is always moral lesson behind all movies, dramas (I am not mentioning the third class comedy shows arranged at different theaters at Lahore) and stories.

Even if you ever encounter , Teen Aurtain: Teen Kahaniyaan , you will get some lessons :P

I did not find your question immature concerning CRM. Please read through the lines and conclusion was “no matter how immature a question is, one must address it “. I could ask you to go at Microsoft’s web site or search Google. I explained to it and I said, if you need further guidelines, I can provide free of cost :=).

Take care
Isbah Omer said…
Brother Aamir,
We do our best to say what we say, because we don’t want anyone go away unfulfilled, but as my sister Saira quoted very eloquently earlier, if we have not been through pain in life, we cannot understand what pain is, we can only imagine its intensity. It’s easier to give it an absolute value and then multiply it with a valid superscript. But it can never be anything but close to 'measurable' for the bearer. You cannot equate your life's sufferings to another man's, you can only 'relate' to them. Like I understood the quote coz I could relate to it. But, if we have not been a victim of deception, how can we possibly understand the meaning of what is fake within? How can we expect a deaf man to believe in sound, how can you expect a mute to believe in voice, although it is there. And when I say that it is related to a state of mind, I don’t mean to offend anyone. Its literature, some people get it, some don’t. Just like you understand CRM, we might not be in the dimension to understand it the same way, no matter how hard we try to learn. We all have our arenas, and it comes with years of 'experience' in a certain field. So, brother, my comments can’t help you understand what is fake within, only life can.
Aamir Bashir said…
Thanks Isba and star Syra :O) .

You girls are only going to provide me the background knowledge instead of some real benefit of such kind of quotes.

If we take the poetry of Iqbal, one we will find the real passion .If you take the Attaullah Khan Essakhilvi , Mirza Ghalib , you are not going to reap some benefit but only “Drinks and cheap love”.

Such sorta quotes can push you more in depression instead of giving you some real courage or passion.

The other day , I had a friend , who was telling me about her tense life (she had painful life and she can not even sleep), i sent her this poetry , which was reflecting her life .

Tu hai sooraj tujhay maloom kahan raat ka dukh
Tu kissi rooz mairay ghar main utar shaam k baad

The next day , she informed me that she became more depressed after reading it. I should rather sent her this one.

paltna japtna japt ker paltna
lahoo ghar rakhany ka hai aik bahana

There is hope here , there is lesson , life is short and we can not stuck at one point ,or at one deception , we need to go ahead .
Aamir Bashir said…
Syra and Isbah

i think i need to move on and thanks for being gentle ladies .

My appology if you were offended :=).

Last but not least ,i got two more sisters , what else someone ask for but the real love of sisters :P

w-salam and Enjoying Blogging !

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