Sin City

While searching for justice, I learned that no matter what wrong people do, God doesn’t come out of the skies to perish them, lightning doesn’t strike them dead and earth doesn’t open to bury their sinful souls. The strong and clever get to enjoy the bounties of the heaven they create for themselves and the weaker will always spend their lives resenting their hell and waiting for justice to serve its purpose.
Isbah Z
However, sometimes things are beyond our control and we have no choice but to leave it to Allah. And Allah's justice is the best! I believe that no wrong doer gets away! and its the law of nature that what goes around, come around...harder!
In my opinion, not raising a voice against injustice when we are capable of doing so is equally sinful because indirectly we are supporting it. It's shameful that until some crime is committed against us, we are aloof and insensitive towards it whilst the same injustice is happening around us against others all the time. Before that, we don't really care :|
Sometimes, even yr best efforts and lots of prayers cannot help your misery. Maybe its our fate to see the bottom of every bottle... who knows! We are told to raise our voice but we are not guarenteed any outcome for it in this life necessarily. You learn. You live... but that does not change the fact that the strong and clever keep on enjoying thier lives even with all with stolen dreams and cold hearts. If you ever saw Mister India, you would know... and trust me its not easy to be a witness to that :)
The Mogambo's of today can keep guffawing "Mogambo khush howa". Eventually they will be doomed! The stolen dreams are short lived. Their cold hearts will give them frost bites all over.
And for those who are consistently fighting against oppression, violence, injustice without any apparent fruits for them God says "Verily with hardship comes ease" and promises much reward in heaven.The whole point is raising a voice and not giving in to injustice.
What good a life if the conscience keeps pricking?Perhaps misery in its worst form.
Bhar Bhar Maskaaah Paway,
Malek da kaaam Phal Phul Lana,
Laway ya na Laway!
(:P :P :P)
now get back to mashk-ing(watering) your phalphul-less plants ! :P
I Wonder Why Girls always make them MISERABLE this way!
for each person is an appointed term. so they have a chance to repent and return to god because he is ever merciful and oft-forgiving.
But your Lord is Most forgiving, full of Mercy. If He were to call them (at once) to account for what they have earned, then surely He would have hastened their punishment: but they have their appointed time, beyond which they will find no refuge.
the injust may enjoy the adornments of this world but these only serve to draw them further from the straight path as they exult in their wealth and take pride in their power
Nor strain thine eyes in longing for the things We have given for enjoyment to parties of them, the splendour of the life of this world, through which We test them: but the provision of thy Lord is better and more enduring.
I am in total agreement with the fact that god gives everyone a chance to realize their misdoings and return to the good. The most important thing that we need to learn is: first, to keep trying; second, to be patient; third, to look around ourselves and find 'ibrat' from the people we see around us; Time will tell why we were deprived of a happiness long ago, why we are being tested the way we are.. I believe we all have a destiny, and in order to get there and be the kind of people we have to be, we have to go through the tests that god has created for us.. and always always believe that if not happy, at least we will have no regrets when we get to the end of this race and cross that finish line.
Everything happens for the better