Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me!
I have come to believe that love happens. And when it does, it gets you whether you want it or not, like it or not. It almost seems as if it gives you a high, an energy that makes you think that whatever you have thought for yourself is right, what you have imagined will lead you to where we have dreamed to be one day. When love grows on you, it makes you believe that boundaries don’t exist, 'You and I' becomes 'Us', and that makes you sacrifice things that you never thought you were capable of living without, to the point that it starts reflecting in your identity. It’s all very surreal really. But what do you do when you realize your short comings as a couple? What do you do when all that emotional drama and ecstasy doesn’t last and all the magic fades away? The politically correct answer would be to pretend to ignore it. Because we are raised to keep trying to work things out. Even when you know you are jumping into the fire, you are obligated to try. So, most of the...
isbah, your omnia and tocco baby are all mine. muHAHAHA
mine is touch sensitive, so u can take my word.
and there is a reason why hands free mode was facilitated ;)
isbah, lol :$..your imagination is running wild.. what did i say? (angel smile) :p
today i had lunch on your seat, was missing the fun time =)
(the whole user education dept was empty,so i settled there )