Life never gives, it only lends

Life never gives, it only lends.

No matter how much you want your life to change, it does not change unless it has to. We might think that we are trying too much, or not trying hard enough; but the truth is - it seems that its all been written in the books... for better, for worse, sickness, health... everything. It does not matter if you want roses, or you prefer diamonds, life only gives what it can lend by the books.

Is there anything we can do about it? Yes there is. The only thing we can do is learn to live with what we have and pretend to make the most of it. And when things are not the way we want them to be, we need to keep the game face on so that we can pretend that every thing is fine and secretly keep telling ourselves that its going to be okay. Because remember, the upside for every tragedy is that life never gives, it only lends [for a while].

Isbah Z


Anonymous said…
Very True.....

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