I Love Him

I’ve met a man and fallen in love with him. I allowed myself to fall in love for one simple reason: I’m not expecting anything to come of it. I know that, in three months’ time, I’ll be far away and he’ll be just a memory, but I couldn’t stand living without love any longer; I had reached my limit.

I’m writing a story for Ralf Hart - that’s his name. I’m not sure he’ll come back to the club where I work, but, for the first time in my life, that doesn’t matter. It’s enough just to love him, to be with him in my thoughts and to colour this lovely city with his steps, his words, his love. When I leave this country, it will have a face and a name and the memory of a fireplace.

Everything else I experienced here, all the difficulties I had to overcome, will be as nothing compared to that memory. I would like to do for him what he did for me. I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and I realise that I didn’t go into that cafe by chance; really important meetings are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other.

'Eleven Minutes' ~ Paulo Coelho


Syra said…
"really important meetings are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other"
sometimes these meetings become visible in your dreams ;)
dreams do come true ;)
Saira Andleeb said…
Isbah Omer said…
Thats my true optimistic Saira Star... but sometimes, there really are no fishes in the lake.. no matter how much u believe.. or how much u want it to be true :)
Saira Andleeb said…
sometimes u dont want the DAMN fish and they pop out from that dead lake !!!!!!!!!!!
what do u expect of urself at that timeeee
Syra said…
and thats my realistic isbah star :)

bilkul sahee kaha aap nay.

on a positive note:
when there are no fishes in the lake, there comes a time the appetite for fishes eventually dries out, u don't want fishes any more, u want chickens in the barn :p
and then its time for new dreams, new goals, new ambitions, a fresh start, a passionate heart and a positive mind.
but hey, some dreams do come true...u get the fishes and the chicken and the beef too with dessert. :)
Saira Andleeb said…

when ur craving for fish u get chicken
when craving for chicken u get fish
and when ur craving for none ... u get all of em with desert !!!!!
Syra said…
u cook it, take a bit and say yummmmm :p feast on it, and don't expect more
Saira Andleeb said…
yea for that i'll have to become a emotion-less robotic freak ! :P
Isbah Omer said…
this whole conversation reminds me of this quote by Paulo again in 11 mins...

"I’m not the only one, even though my fate may put me outside the law and outside society. In the search for happiness, however, we are all equal: none of us is happy - not the banker/musician, the dentist/writer, the checkout girl/actress, or the housewife/model...."

@ Sairaz.. i think we tend to think the way life treats us, both of u have completely different opinions on fishes, chickens & food too... coz both of u have had different experiences to deal with... however, i am still willing to accept the fact that there r no fishes in the lake.. but i cant let go of the fact that the grass is greener on the other side! :p
Syra said…
ok gals,on a serious note

"People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don’t deserve them, or that they’ll be unable to achieve them"

the point is to strive to achieve ur dreams, give it ur best shot and leave it to Allah.
if u don't get what u desired don't be disheartened...just have faith and know that God has something better in store for u.

be thankful and content with what you have, but this shouldn't stop u from dreaming and reaching out for what you want..but at the same time you should know your limits.

so what if there are no fishes in the lake? u don't need the fish!
u stuggled to find the fish and thats what matters in the end.

"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second’s encounter with God and with eternity."

sometimes the grass only SEEMS greener..in reality it's not even green.
Saira Andleeb said…
life is all about dreaming and a mostly not getting what u dreamt for ... BUT the pain u go through whether u stop expecting or not cant be easily forgotten.

"the point is to strive to achieve ur dreams, give it ur best shot and leave it to Allah.
if u don't get what u desired don't be disheartened...just have faith and know that God has something better in store for u.

the above is true and easy said ... but the pain, the suffering is not that easily born.
Syra said…
yupe--the pain can be devastating...but having faith in God is what keeps u going :)
Isbah Omer said…
Very nicely presented SairaStar... You are Santa's cheer leader!!!
On a 2 times more serious note... you are right that the grass only seems greener and it really doesnt matter that there arnt any fishes in the lake, and that dreams are just dreams, we think that we want them to be true because we have waited very long for them to come true, but the truth is that time makes you forget your old dreams because life brings you new dreams. Better ones. The ones that are not just a feel-good euphoric trip down memory lane. And that there is a time for waiting, then theres time for happiness, joy, celebrations and then there are times we have to fight. And one day there also comes a time for your dreams to be true. And that the pain of doing something is way better better than the regret of not doing it... you are right!
& @ Saira A: Girl you still are my cynical touchstone :)
khany said…
reading this piece makes me wonder why 'ralf hart' had to be a real person who walked into her club. he seems to have played no part in her infatuation with him (the only reason she loves him is because of her own condition) and is likely never to do so in the future by her own admittance.

wouldn't it be simpler and more rewarding to invent a love? kids invent imaginary friends all the time.. why do they get over them?
Isbah Omer said…
Its simpler to love people who are a figment of yr imagination, but the real troubles in yr life start when you actually start liking a real person, even with all their imperfections. & the real reward in life is to change that person into someone far far better than the person you were initially infatuated with.

This is why it is not simple. Its hard for a reason. The reason is simple :)... Its the reward of actually making a real person love you for who you are and to love him for who he is. So for me, knowing Ralf Hart as a real person [even if i cant have him... ] would be far more rewarding than being in love with Popoye or Chandler Bing.
Syra said…
"Its the reward of actually making a real person love you for who you are and to love him for who he is"

Isbah, I am impressed!

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