The Skeptic - By Irfan Zahid Siddiqui

" And why the pain, My Lord..."
" For you to appreciate mercy."
" And why heartache; crying without shedding tears..."
" For you to understand that physical pain is much easier to endure than emotional despair."
" And why temptation..."
" For you to choose, to decide. I created you an independent thinker."
" And why Your worship."
" For you to seek, that which is better."
" And why the threat of punishment..."
" For you to abstain."
" And why sorrow..."
" For you to appreciate a moment of true joy."
" And why joy..."
" To wash away your tears."
" And why happiness..."
" To show you what lies in wait for the best of you."
" And who are the best..."
" Those who can, but don't...And those who can't, but do."
" But why is it easier for a fortunate few..."
" It is tougher than you think. For the more they have, the easier it gets to forget. Their test is much more difficult than yours."
" And why love..."
" To satisfy your soul."
" And why desire..."
" To teach you to care."
" And why loss..."
" For you to enjoy a moment of true victory."
" And why sacrifice..."
" For you to learn that the hand which gives is better than the one that receives."
" And why the day of judgement..."
" To bestow upon you your reward."
" And why the books..."
" To guide you, and those sent before you."
" But why more than one..."
" As there is a time for laughter and a time for tears, so was there a proper time for revelation."
" And why equality..."
" For all men were made of sand, fire and water."
" And why is a successful man better than a good human being..."
" For the successful man feels very little, and the good human being a little too much."
" And why liars..."
" So that you learn to filter all that you are told."
" And why drink..."
" For you to step into the abyss of sin."
" And why is life unfaithful..."
" For you deem it a friend."
" And why insanity..."
" For you to see how fortunate you are."
" And why sanity..."
" For you to realize how unfortunate you are to be one of the fortunate ones."
" And why death..."
" To counter creation."
" And why life..."
" For you to question your existence."
" And why sin..."
" To help quench the thirst of the fire."
" And why contradiction..."
" So that you are capable enough to differentiate."
" And why virtue..."
" For you to be able to appreciate the good in the people."
" And why pleasure..."
" For you to thank your Lord."
" And why individuality..."
" To show you the diversity of my creation."
" And why conformity..."
" For you to see that in conformity lies your true strength."
" And why is love for sale..."
" So that you can learn to accept defeat with your head held high."
" Why are tears..."
" To help you regain control of your emotions."
" And why a conscience..."
" To help you get to the Garden of your Lord."
" And why infatuation..."
" So that you are able to distinguish it from love."
" And why hope..."
" To show you that a quitter is a loser."
" And why opportunity..."
" To show you that a loser is not a quitter, and not always a loser."
" And how can we differentiate between a lie and the truth..."
" A lie is repeated many times, the truth seldom is."
" And why lust..."
" So that you can learn to outgrow it."
" And why are people racists..."
" For in them dwells a sense of insecurity."
" And why is life different from living..."
" As there is a difference between dreaming and doing, there is a difference between life and living."
" And why is it that some people are completely misunderstood..."
" For no one is willing to recognize their greatness."
" And why do we always hurt those we love..."
" For they are the only ones who are sure to forgive you."
" And why do I disagree with every principle of life..."
" For life disagrees with every single principle of yours."
" And why do we cry..."
" As it rains to let the storm spend its fury, so you cry to relieve your feelings."
" And why will..."
" To help you stand strong..."
" And why ability..."
" For you to believe in yourself."
" And why death..."
" To counter creation."
" And why trust..."
" So that you can turn your back completely without the fear of being stabbed."
" And why beauty..."
" To make you believe."
" Why life after death..."
" For some to enjoy the fruits of their harvest and for others to regret not ploughing the fields."
" And why Eve..."
" For Adam needed a companion."
" And why fame..."
" For you to be humble."
" And why glory..."
" For you to understand that true victory needs not to be highlighted."
" And why fear..."
" So that you learn to appreciate freedom."
" And why grief..."
" To help you determine your well-wishers."
" And why the disbelievers..."
" To show you the rightful owners of the pit of fire."
" And why patience..."
" So that you can relish a moment of achievement."
" And why humility..."
" So that you understand that the best from you do not need to boast."
" And why the burden of taking a favour..."
" So that you can learn to return it."
" And why torment..."
" So that you are never cruel."
" And why solitude..."
" For you to reach out to your Lord."
" And why mercy..."
" To show you that mercy does what the harshest punishment will not."
" And why a chance to repent..."
" To show you that your Lord is fair."
" And why Your wrath..."
" To bring an end to the lives of those, who care not for my creation."
" And why were the innocent slain..."
" For you to respect martyrdom."
" And why hate..."
" For you to destroy yourselves."
" And why a heart..."
" To give you a place from which to shed unseen tears."
" And why peace..."
" So that you can prosper."
" And why war..."
" For you to know that a day of ruling is better than a thousand years of slavery."
" And why arrogance..."
" To lead you astray."
" And why rebellion..."
" To teach you never to adopt to a system that is against the fundamental teachings of your Lord."
" And why night..."
" To let you set aside your duties and burdens of the day and rest in peaceful worship."
" And why defeat..."
" To spark the desire to win."
" And why suffering..."
" To ease your pain."
" And why enemies, My Lord..."
" For you to have friends. There is no such thing as a true friend. Your enemy's enemy is your friend."
And at that, he turned around and laughed. His Lord was amused...
" Why the laughter?" his Lord asked him.
" For, I finally know..."
" And what is that," his Lord asked him.
" You're the one with all the answers... You figure it out."

And sometimes, just sometimes, it makes me wonder...


Isbah Omer said…
I read this article in the Aitchison College's magazine and instantly fell in love with it :). All i know about the writer is that he was a student and very young when he wrote this. Prose definitely at its best!
Saira Andleeb said…
never read something so COMPLETE !
im in love with it too now !!!!!!!!!
Sameer said…
it's beautiful :) ... thanks for sharing ... really like the "suffering to ease your pain" bit .. it's a thought-provoking concept (for me at least)
Isbah Omer said…
very thought provoking.. isnt it!!
Afsheen said…
very well written!! Its simply amazing!
Hassan said…
The point he missed is that "He is not questioned about what He does, but they are questioned" (Quran)
The final part of the essay negates everything that a believer holds true of his/her lord, i.e. "the Knower of the seen and unseen." In other words, a projection of the Divine, without the Divine, but through a human prism of rationality leads to error.

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