Some of Us, Some of Them...

Over the years, I have come to believe that its simpler to love people who are a figment of yr imagination. The real troubles in your life begin when you actually start liking a real person, with all of their humanly imperfections, cultural and social differences; people who aren't really tall, dark & handsome, or flattering in their ways, but it seems that they make you feel at home. So what do you do when you realize that all of 'us' aren't Cinderellas, and most of 'them' aren't Prince Charmings?

I guess that in true fiction, the reality of love comes from embracing the differences and finding a common ground of acceptance. Its only then that you can choose to follow the journey of being someone far far better than the person you were when you were alone, and the person he becomes when he is with you.

This is why it is not simple. Its hard for a reason. The reason is simple :)... Its the reward of actually making a real person love you for who you are and to love him for who he is. Which is why knowing Joe the Plumber as a real person would be far more rewarding than being in love with Popeye or Chandler Bing.

Tailored from an old comment on I Love Him.

XoXo :)
Isbah Z


khany said…
thanks for sharing.

differences and imperfections (imperfections in the sense of moral failings):

we are all unique. i am unlike you, you are unlike him and he is like nobody else that is, was or will be. we are simply quite different.

moreover, nobody is perfect. everybody makes the occasional mistake. worse still, some of us pick up systematic vices in the process of growing up. the best one can do then is to actively strive for perfection.

not surprisingly in daily life we are challenged by both differences and imperfections. when struggling with my inner self i only have to deal with my imperfections. however, when dealing with an "other" i am faced with both our differences and imperfections.

i, for one, believe that we should not confuse "differences" with "imperfections". they care absolutely distinct and therefore they require fundamentally different responses.

in loving another person we "embrace our differences". note that we do not ignore our differences but rather we accept them and in fact "embracing" suggests a sense of celebration. from this mutually beneficial exchange we learn and we evolve into better people.

i think it should be obvious however that "embracing" our own or another person's vices is a disastrous choice. it is very well to concentrate on a person's goodness and to overlook their faults. however, the station of love is higher and it requires that we help one another overcome our imperfections.

“The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.”
-- Elie Wiesel
Isbah Omer said…
All of what you said is correct. I remember something from a certain series...

Imperfections. Differences. Acceptance
Harry was bald, and he ate with his mouth full, buti loved him anyway! - Charolette York

Charolette York was a prim, proper and perfect lady with straigh A history and extra ordinary taste in everything she did in life, while harry was fat, bald, hairy - but still managed to be the love of her life.

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