
Hope is a state of mind that gives the strength to live and continually try new things. It is not essentially dependent on some particular observation of the world or estimate of the situation.

Hope is not prognostication. It transcends the world that is immediately experienced, and is anchored somewhere beyond its horizons.

Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as joy, when things are going well; or the willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously headed for success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good, not just because it has a chance to succeed.

Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.

~Vaclev Havel


teeB@ said…
:O :\ :S

its really hard to digest (-------------------------------) this much philosophy in just ONE GULP!!!

Isbah Omer said…
I read this quote in Reader's Digest a long time ago and really liked it. Came across it again today so thought of sharing it with you people...

@ teeba... zara ghoomna band kero to samjh ana shuroo ho kuch!! :p
teeB@ said…
itna na perha kero....AUNTY...

Empty Brain mein Ulcer hojayega :P
Syra said…
The only possible consolation of loosing someone we love very much is the neccessary HOPE that it happened for the best.
The only possible explaination of not achieving sometime we desire after wholeheartedly working to attain it, is the HOPE that someday Allah will grant us something even better
While living the questions of life the only thing that keeps you moving forward is the HOPE that someday we will live the answers
Syra said…
Sairastar is HOPING IsbahStar will make her coffee today :p
Isbah Omer said…
well... isbah superstar is ready for coffee but @sm@'s recent email spoiled her taste buds.... :|
Asma said…
Wicked, eh :P

Come on - how can naive things can scare you and then disgust you ... tsk tsk tsk!!!
Syra said…
i settled for green tea-thank you
Ethereal said…
"The only possible consolation of loosing someone we love very much is the neccessary HOPE that it happened for the best."

As the Jedi say, "There is no death, there is the Force."
Ethereal said…
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
-Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
Isbah Omer said…
Yes, we can only hope that it happened for the best, and learn to satisfy the desires of the moment with the possibilities of the future :)
Ethereal said…
Here is a piece of advice (brazenly copied from wikiquote[1]) Yoda offered to Anakin which could have prevented a lot of bad things later:
"The fear of loss is a path to the Dark Side. Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is."

PS: Wikiquote breaks it into two but I think it was said whole in the movie.

Isbah Omer said…
Nicely presented, though I tend to disagree. I think that it is a natural instinct to mourn and miss the ones that we lose, either in space, or in time. I also believe that time heals all wounds... and so, if you hang on hard enough, if you pray hard enough, if you live hard enough, you might find something worth living for... and that something might also be the thing you are afraid to lose... and that fear, some of the times, might be the very thing that drives you across the finish line...
Syra said…
time doen't heal all wounds, some wounds never heal, u just become used to the pain

I second isbahz (last comment), i add to it..as humans we feel, and without feelings life would be dead, life without being attached to ppl would be no fun.
Ethereal said…
Fear, that's probably the best explanation why people meet their deadlines :)

There was this WWII movie (can't remember the name or any actors). There was a captain in a foxhole trying to boost the morale of his troops with a speech. The captain is the only one standing and without a crash helmet. Meanwhile a shell explodes near them. When the smoke clears everybody is seen cowering on the floor... except... the captain who hasn't even moved an inch as if nothing has happened. And what he said at that point literally made me LOL..., tell me you're not afraid of a bunch of japs are you?

Talking of Jedi... they aren't supposed be an ordinary bunch of soldiers. They're supposed to be leaders, guardians, generals... whatever. So they need to keep a check on their emotions. Although I don't really agree with their absolute idealistic teachings (e.g. they're not allowed to marry so that their emotions don't come in the way of making decisions that could affect millions etc) but at the same time extreme feelings and emotions should be controlled, right?

I would like to know what's your take on this.
Ethereal said…
Well... there's another question that has been ringing in my head for quite some time now: Hatred and anger are powerful emotions... in the sense that you can actually use them to do some extraordinary task (much like fear). Is it right to 'use' your feelings of hatred or anger?
Isbah Omer said…
I think that the best outlet for your emotional energies is expression. Fear, Hatred, Anger, Desire, Greed, Lust, all deadly sins are extreme emotions that if kept inside, might eat you alive, and at the same time, if expressed in their traditional crude way may result in regretful actions... dont you think? Channeling your energies to something productive can be a good way of dealing with it. I remember when i was graduating i was assigned to do community service in a school. Teaching 2 graders. Exhausting task. They were really noisy and uncontrollable, could u blame them, they were young. So i figured, they had to express the enormous energy they had in them, so i made them perform plays from the stories in the book, made them earn reward points from their homework, assigned a monitor every week and made a very flashy badge for the chosen one. This made them feel productive, as if they had achieved something and their energies were channeled in a way that was not noise. To myself, whenever i feel all these emotions, i read or write. It makes me write very well.. so i would say it evens the score. I feel miserable. True, but i get an entry for my blog too! ;)
Ethereal said…
Yes, couldn't agree more here.

PS: I see you're not a strict teacher. The little people must really be missing you :p
Ethereal said…
Coming back to the topic, here's[1] something you might find interesting (I'm pretty sure Saira would).

Isbah Omer said…
but teacher loves her peaceful life more :p... the pic's cute... thanx 4 sharin!

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