Kaum Se Khitab

Dear All,

Even though its only been a year and a day, I feel like I've spent a considerable part of my life here. It's sad to be going, but I guess that, as time goes by, we must all go our own separate ways to achieve whatever has been destined for us on our journey of life.

I leave Elixir with wonderful memories that I owe to all of you. Every one of you has, in their own unique ways, made my stay here so memorable. Thank you and may every one of you have a prosperous future.

Here is a reflection of what I will remember every one by in my 12 0' clock dreams :) Hope you enjoy it. Its all in good fun.

Sundas Y.
16th August 2007.


Isbah Omer said…
I couldnt let her go without contributing in my blog :p... btw if anyone has problem understanding 'The Codes' contact Sundas Y... :p
Anonymous said…
Very thoughtful :) I loved it!
teeB@ said…
i never knew u had such a beautiful picture of me in ur mind.... :P

this is really so funny....isBAH good one dear!!! :D
Anonymous said…
I understand "Da Sundi Code" :-p
Syra said…
sweet :) images have been well piked--good going sundus.
abhie me, teeba and saira had a good laugh at the images
tell me tell me
Saira A's image==anti musharraf or anti men?? :D
asma's lizard looks naughty..and teeba's image is hillarious :D:D:D
and haaaadiaaa--whats with the wedding bells..what did i miss?
Saira Andleeb said…
does my code mean anti men or anti musharaf ??? :)
Isbah Omer said…
mushi is just one of many men u hate :p
Lol @ Da Sundi Code... good one Seher!!
Sundas said…
Saira, its anti-men. So, assuming Musharraf is a man (we can only assume) this is also anti-Musharraf. ;)
Syra said…
hira's image --abhie samaj ayee
had another laughing fit :D:D
and the kid in memona's vacum cleaner :D:D
too good!
teeB@ said…
ive got a question :O

ur image duznt depict the traditional finger???
Saira Andleeb said…
it means ur never gonna forget me cos there are so many men around :P :D

all of them are hilarious ! ... i wonder why Saira Shaukat's image is so decent :D
Isbah Omer said…
I know.. for the sake of descency :p those-who-should-not-be-named will get what it means :p

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