Learning to Live

While attempting to live, you learn...
You learn that there is only a subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul,
You learn that love doesn't mean leaning & company doesn't mean security.
You begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts,
And presents aren't promises.
And you begin to accept your defeats with the grace of an adult and not the grief of a child.
You learn to build all your roads on today, because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for your plans.
After a while, you learn that even sun shine burns you if you get too much of it. So you plant your own garden, decorate your own soul, and stop waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you will learn that you really can endure, you really are special, and that you really do have worth.
So live to learn and know yourself... in doing so, you will learn to live.


Isbah Omer said…
Again, while digging the skeletons of the past on my computer, i found my old quotes collection. This one was one of my favorites.. and it is dedicated to SairaStar.. for no reason what so ever! :p
Hadi said…
yes thts rite...as it is said .....self love is the one tht stays forever.....

life goes on....with new experiences....new ppl....new faces...new oppurtunities...

the more you live every moment of it....the more you learn....
Syra said…
-bitter or sweet; life goes on
-while learning to live i have realized that sometimes doing the right thing doesn't always make u feel right.
-thanx 4 the dedication ;)
Saira Andleeb said…
yea taking a right turn doesnt always make sense :) ... but i guess it always feels right !

and while accepting my defeats gracefully ive learnt that we only truly learn from our failures and that is the only true success !
Syra said…
on a postive note:as time proceeds, every right step we took in the past, hard as it may have been, will turn out fruitful in the future.inshahAllah

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