Tribute to a LegenD

When I was young, my mother told me that everything happens for a reason, and that sometimes people can be mean and try to ruin your reputation, even if it is independence day, but she said, one should be patient, as no matter how bad your neighbors are, eventually, they would always die.. or leave. So, she said, that life will always go on, and at the end of the day, the mean ones are always given a farewell, even if it is on their birthday... Karma is, definitely a B*t*h :p

So, finally.... this day in time embarks the end of a significant eRa in the history of fake LollyWooD Underworld's Maghroor Laylas, for this day, we are saying goodbye to the naughtiest and noisiest Technical Writer eVer; who by the way rocks at being a lousy neighbor.

Sundas, aka, Basanti, the girl who is even active during the hibernating periods, has reached enormous heights during her one year and one day stay at Elixir. She is the only girl, whose table, Ladies & Gentlemen, would be turned into a shrine for all those who are interested in joining the feminist forces for saving the world. Her chair, mind you, will be planted with nails so that no one can ever take her place, and her CPU will have a heart that drops blood and glows lights in memory of the frAndly cum hArt breaking relationship I had with her! We will also place two donuts and a camera on her desk to remind the coming generation of her dear hobbies and interests.

And in the end, all I have to say, on behalf of all the san-ists of 'YAYA land' is, that dear Sundas, this time, when we say Goodbye… WE REALLY MEAN IT!!!



Isbah Omer said…
We also have Sundas Yasmin ka 'Kaum se Khitab' lined up shorty... so stay tuned nazreen!!!
teeB@ said…

tht waz awesome.... we surely will miss THE SUNDHUZ!!! :P
teeB@ said…
[b]waiting desperately for the most awaited SHOW.... "KAUM SE KHITAB" :D
Syra said…
nice work on the signatures
Monay said…
nazreen alongwith the "Khitab" thingee...v r going to have "aatish Bazi and kalaBaziaan" too presented by Sundus JasMine
Hadi said…
Well written Isbah

GoodBye n Happy Birthday Sundas

Now Look at her...she is opening her gifts :D

God bless u
Omer said…
Mindblowing.... Out of the world

Thank GOD Sundas is going... Elixir will be a Slient place everafter!!! :P
Naushy said…
Yes, we will miss you, Sundas.

And hope you have a happy birthday, and may your future birthdays always be special.

Well written, Isbah!

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